Cal Saunders

Woodworking is a part of our family’s heritage. I was introduced to woodworking by my grandfather when I was just a kid. My grandfather built a woodshop behind his house where he would work on household repairs, such as cabinet doors, furniture repair, making toys for his grandchildren. I would watch him working every time I visited. I can remember him making wooden toys for my brothers and I.

When I was young, my father worked at a sawmill in Washington. At the sawmill he loved the smell of fresh cut wood. This enjoyment peaked his interest in woodworking and expanding his skill. My father’s projects were more for practical applications; like making repairs to items around the house. In a household with 3 young boys, there was always something needing repair and he was never afraid to tackle a project.

As an adult, it was my younger brother who really got me interested in working with wood. While in Australia he was introduced to fine furniture building and he began making unique pieces of furniture. Seeing my brother’s work inspired me to begin building my own pieces. My first big investment was a table saw. I began making small items, first with replication of a product and then eventually with my own design. As my interest grew, I discovered that I enjoyed the design process as much as I enjoyed the craftsmanship.

Over the years I’ve furnished my entire home and have made many pieces for family and friends. I am continually learning and like my father, unafraid to tackle any project. So, I didn’t have much hesitation when my son asked me to consider purchasing a saw mill with him. With a mill of our own, our artistic freedom is unlimited. The ability to take a unique piece of wood, shape it to my design and craft a finished product is very fulfilling.